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How to choose die-casting mold materials?

September 19,2024.

Commonly used die-casting mold materials include tool steel, alloy steel and cast steel. Tool steel has high hardness, strength and wear resistance, and is suitable for producing large quantities of products. Alloy steel has high heat resistance and fatigue resistance, and has good stability in high temperature environments. Copper alloy is also an excellent die-casting mold material with good thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance.

When selecting die-casting mold materials, factors such as the use conditions of the mold, production batch size, type of die-casting alloy, etc. need to be considered. For example, aluminum alloy die-casting molds usually use materials such as H13 and SKD61. These materials have good heat resistance and hardness and can meet the high temperature and high pressure requirements during the aluminum alloy die-casting process. For zinc alloy die-casting molds, you can choose materials such as 3Cr2W8V. Although these materials are not as heat-resistant as H13 and SKD61, their costs are relatively low.

In addition, the core material of the mold is also very important. Commonly used core materials include H13, 3Cr2W8V, etc. These materials can provide sufficient strength and toughness to resist thermal cycles and mechanical stress during the die-casting process. When selecting mold materials, the material's processing performance, heat treatment characteristics, and cost-effectiveness should also be considered.

The heat resistance of die-casting mold materials has an important impact on its service life. Molds are exposed to high-temperature molten metal during the die-casting process. If the heat resistance of the mold material is insufficient, it will cause the mold to soften at high temperatures, reducing its strength and hardness, thereby reducing the thermal shock toughness and wear resistance of the mold. This will make the mold more susceptible to erosion, tearing or cracking, and in severe cases may even lead to early mold failure.

Mold materials with good heat resistance can maintain stable mechanical properties, such as hardness and strength, in high temperature environments, and effectively resist thermal fatigue and deformation. Such materials can be used at higher operating temperatures, extend the life of the mold, and maintain the dimensional stability and surface finish of the mold.

Therefore, selecting mold materials with high heat resistance is crucial to improve the performance and reliability of die casting molds. This is not only related to the service life of the mold, but also directly affects the efficiency and product quality of die-casting production.

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